Site Promotion
Promotion of a site through the development planning process starts with looking at the bigger picture, assessing the site and its surroundings and exploring the possibilities from a design and planning perspective. Understanding the physical and environmental constraints of a site is critical to establishing its potential development capacity.
A Strategic and/or Concept Masterplan derived from this assessment provides a high-level vision for the site which can articulate how the understanding of the site, its limitations and unique features have shaped the proposals.
Presenting this information in a site promotion document, such as a Vision Document or Development Plan Representation provides an opportunity to demonstrate the site's potential in a clear and concise way.
Community & Stakeholder Engagement
Early engagement with local people and other stakeholders, such as community groups and organisations can be invaluable to a project’s success. Local knowledge provides a deeper understanding of an area, as well as the aspirations of those who live, work and play there.
A variety of media can be used when engaging with the public and other stakeholders, including but not limited to, meetings, workshops, exhibitions, questionnaires, newsletters, websites etc.
Site Application
Applications for planning permission, whether they be Full, Outline/Planning Permission in Principle (PPP) or Applications for approval of Matters Specified in Conditions (AMSC) should be accompanied by robust justification of the design approach. This should give the decision maker confidence that design has been integral to the development of the proposals and is appropriate to the location.
Indicative Masterplans for Outline/PPP applications establish the principles and parameters of a project from the outset, whilst Detailed Masterplans for AMSC or Full applications provide the level of detail required to deliver the development.
Design and Access Statements or Design Statements often accompany these applications either as a statutory requirement or by request of the local planning authority. They provide an opportunity to explain and justify proposals and assist all those assessing the application to understand the design rationale.
Graphic Communication
Graphic productions for a project range from consultation material such as exhibition boards, banners, flyers, leaflets to planning documents such as Vision Documents, Development Frameworks and Design & Access Statements.
Creating a suite of graphics which are consistent and carry the theme/vision of a site can elevate a project’s credentials.